High Performance Software

LS-DYNA lsprepost


LS-DYNA is a general-purpose, explicit finite element program used to analyze the nonlinear dynamic response of three-dimensional structures. Its fully automated contact analysis capability and error-checking features have enabled users worldwide to solve successfully many complex problems. LS-DYNA has many solution procedures to simulate the physical behavior of 3D structures: nonlinear dynamics, thermal, failure, crack propagation, contact, quasi-static, Eulerian, arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE), fluid structure interaction, real-time acoustics, multi-physics coupling, etc. The lower order finite elements in LS-DYNA are accurate, efficient, simple and fast. For the under-integrated shell and solid elements, zero-energy modes are controlled by either and hourglass viscosity or stiffness.


Serial and Shared Memory Parallel

To run version 970
lsdyna970 [ OPTIONS ]

To run double precision version 970
lsdynad970 [ OPTIONS ]

To run version 971
lsdyna [ OPTIONS ]

To run double precision version 971
lsdynad [ OPTIONS ]

Typical options are i=inputfile r=restartfile ncpu=4 memory=128m

Note: The memory option can be set low since the LSTC_MEMORY is set to AUTO.

This is only applicable for explicit analysis. When running implicit simulations, the user must specify appropriate memory manually based on the model size.


To run version 970
lsdynampi970 [ OPTIONS ]

To run double precision version 970
lsdynampid970 [ OPTIONS ]

To run version 971
lsdynampi [ OPTIONS ]

To run double precision version 971
lsdynampid [ OPTIONS ]

Typical options are i=inputfile n=d3full03 p=pfile s=interface-force-outputfile memory=128m memory2=60m.

Note: The memory option can be set low since the LSTC_MEMORY is set to AUTO, where m=megawords and 256m equals 1GB of memory.

This is only applicable for explicit analysis. When running implicit simulations, the user must specify appropriate memory manually based on the model size.


The documentation in Adobe Acrobat format can be found on our systems under /app/csiapps/lsdyna/manuals.

Note that the MPP User Guide is Appendix L in the ls-dyna_970_k.pdf and Appendix O in the LS-DYNA_971_R4_manual_k-beta-June2009.pdf manual.

For more information on memory settings read the section titled Few "Words" on Memory Settings for LS-DYNA starting on page 6 of nov_2006_news.pdf.


To determine the status of the LS-DYNA licenses use the command lsdyna license.

To relinquish licenses when a job aborts or is killed use the command lstc_qkill xxxxx@hostname.

For information on supported platforms, versions and licenses, please check the AFRL DSRC Software Page:


LS-DYNA Home Page