High Performance Software
PNG library
PNG is the Portable Network Graphics format, a format for storing bitmapped (raster) images on computers. Unofficially its acronym stands for "PNG's Not GIF." PNG was designed to be the successor to the once-popular GIF format, which became decidedly less popular right around New Year's Day 1995 when Unisys and CompuServe suddenly announced that programs implementing GIF would require royalties, because of Unisys' patent on the LZW compression method used in GIF. Since GIF had been showing its age in a number of ways even prior to that, the announcement only catalyzed the development of a new and much-improved replacement format. PNG is the result.
Use of PNG is beyond the scope of this page. Please refer to the PNG Documentation link under the VENDOR LINKS Section for more information.
For information on supported platforms, versions and licenses, please
check the AFRL DSRC Software Page: